Metal plaques nameplates insignia
Metal Plaques Nameplates INSIGNIA – Online PRICES – Laser Cut Quotes
Metallo targhe targhette insegne
The term Cor-ten derives from the abbreviation of the terms that define its main characteristics, CORrosion restistance and TENsile strength. In fact, it holds great success precisely for its high resistance to corrosion and high mechanical resistance to traction.
Aluminum is one of the most widespread elements in the earth’s crust. It is present in the form of silicates and oxides and constitutes about eight percent by weight. In pure form it is silver-white in color. It is very light, about 2.7 kg per cubic decimeter and melts at about 660° C.
S235 steel (commonly called iron) is a construction steel widely used in industry. It is magnetic, and in particular, it is possible to observe high hardness, discrete machinability and good mechanical properties in this type of sheet metal.
SAE 304 is a non-magnetic austenitic stainless steel, composed of a chromium content between 18% and 20% and nickel between 8% and 11%; its density is equal to 7.9 kg / dm3.
Gray color, smooth matte finish.
Surface finish
Thickness (mm)
SAE 304
rough rolling
0,8 – 1 – 1,5 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 – 7 – 8 -10
SAE 304 Galvanized
0,8 – 2
Aluminium 1050A
Smooth or brushed Scotch Brite
1 – 1,5 – 2 – 3 -4 -5
Aluminium 1050A
Smooth or satin Scotch Brite
INOX Aisi 304
Smooth 2B
1 – 1,5 – 2 -3 -4 – 5
INOX Aisi 304
Brushed Scotch Brite
1 – 1,5 – 2 -3 -4 – 5
INOX Aisi 304
Satin one side + PVC
INOX Aisi 304
Glossy one side mirror + PVC